Become a Family Supporter

Family Supporter Option Launched

Join our new Family Supporter option and become a Wessex Rivers Trust River Ranger. Explore, learn, and conserve rivers with us. 

Supporter Families receive a monthly newsletter, wildflower seeds to sow in your garden or along the river bank, awesome river creatures posters as well as an adventure guide, jam-packed full of things to do by the river and in your local wild spaces.

Equipped with adventure packs, young River Rangers delve into rivers using tools like creature guides and activity booklets. Nurturing a love for the environment, we inspire future conservationists.

Our monthly newsletter offers engaging activities, interactive games, crafts and nature challenges. Children can gain a deeper understanding of river ecosystems, water conservation, and protecting fragile habitats.

Family Supporter contributions aid our river restoration projects - create memories while conserving chalk streams and rivers, protecting these precious freshwater systems for a sustainable future.