Countess River Restoration Project

River Restoration Project - Lords Walk and Countess

Alex Deacon & Matt Irvine

Chalk streams like the River Avon are a globally rare type of river, naturally rich in wildlife, including salmon, otter, and kingfisher. The Avon catchment isn’t just important for our native wildlife; it provides us with our water for drinking and growing crops. It also provides natural protection from flooding and contributes towards the local economy through attracting tourism, recreation and local businesses.  

Unfortunately, historic mismanagement including dredging and realignment of the Avon between Durrington and Amesbury has damaged precious chalk stream habitat and the wildlife that depends on it.  

Wessex Rivers Trust aim to restore ~3 km of river habitat through Lords Walk and upstream of the A303 towards Durrington. As well as benefiting wildlife, our work aims to improve the footpath through Lords Walk and reduce the risk of flooding.

If you would like to learn more about the project, click here to view a presentation on what we have planned and why it is important.   

This project is part of the Wiltshire Chalk Partnership programme of works. The Partnership aims to create an additional 2,000 hectares of new semi-natural grassland across Wiltshire and to connect, restore and enhance important existing habitats. Click here to find out more about the partnership and objectives.